
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


フィギュアGPファイナル、浅田ら公式練習【ケベック(カナダ)=鈴木智行】9日に開幕するフィギュアスケートのグランプリ(GP)ファイナルの公式練習が7日、当地で始まり、3年ぶりの優勝を狙う浅田真央( ...フィギュアGPファイナル、浅田ら公式練習

Booth was trying to "blowing snow" stop? Bull.

Booth was trying to "blowing snow" stop? Bull.Booth was trying to "blowing snow" stop? Bull.Tootoo was trying to jump out of the way of Miller, and the jump made contact far less severe than if he would have kept his feet and powered through. ...Booth was trying to "blowing snow" stop? Bull.

한나라당 '홍준표 체제' 유지로 가닥

한나라당 '홍준표 체제' 유지로 가닥조의준 기자 최고위원 3명이 동시에 사퇴의사를 밝히는 등 초유의 사태를 맞이한 한나라당 비공개 의원총회가 7일 오후 국회 본관 246호 회의실에서 열린 가운데 ...한나라당 '홍준표 체제' 유지로 가닥

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